FinTech Solution for Entrepreneurs


Our task:

To create a comprehensive analytics solution and planning tool for retail businesses

Get live data in one tap

Data on sales, conversions, cash balances at the checkout, sales force performance, and much more are conveniently displayed on one screen.

Revenue, Plan, Comparison

Get latest updates on revenue. How revenue corresponds to the sales plan in comparison to the day before ( or view the average for a week) and other super useful sales data

Interactive Charts

Several types of interactive charts allow users to see hourly sales trends as well as compare them with previous sales and the sales plan

Cash Flow

View relevant information regarding funds held in cash in cash boxes, as well as cash collection history


View employee work efficiency ratings, quickly access the contact information of employees and their respective shift schedules - a useful tool for HR managers

Revenue, Plan, Comparison

Get latest updates on revenue. How revenue corresponds to the sales plan in comparison to the day before ( or view the average for a week) and other super useful sales data

Interactive Charts

Several types of interactive charts allow users to see hourly sales trends as well as compare them with previous sales and the sales plan

Cash Flow

View relevant information regarding funds held in cash in cash boxes, as well as cash collection history


View employee work efficiency ratings, quickly access the contact information of employees and their respective shift schedules - a useful tool for HR managers

Extensive Yet Convenient

Relevant sales and business data is collated and displayed in one place to grant users a birds-eye view of the business

User can select any time period. And then compare their sales or other data with any other period.

Businesses are grouped by tags, so user can select one or several businesses at once.

For Entrepreneurs and Managers

The service is based on tight integration with fiscal data operators. The user must have access to accounting and tax documents to use all functions. We provide complete security around the storage and transmission of this data

Bank App Level of Security

Two-factor authentication for phone numbers and e-mail. Pin code and FaceID support. App screens are blurred in multitasking menus

Smart Setup

After connecting to a supported Fiscal Data Operator, the system automatically collects information about registered cash desks and payment terminals and their location and then automatically distributes them among your stores

Flexible Setup

Users can redistribute cash desks to other stores. Create stores, group them by tags and so on

Store Info

And all of these complex steps of the first setup could be done in less than 5 minutes.

Bank App Level of Security

Two-factor authentication for phone numbers and e-mail. Pin code and FaceID support. App screens are blurred in multitasking menus

Smart Setup

After connecting to a supported Fiscal Data Operator, the system automatically collects information about registered cash desks and payment terminals and their location and then automatically distributes them among your stores

Flexible Setup

Users can redistribute cash desks to other stores. Create stores, group them by tags and so on

Store Info

And all of these complex steps of the first setup could be done in less than 5 minutes.


We have created a tool for the granular customization of sales planning for a business. The user can set up a sales plan in just a couple of taps. Or the user can opt to create plans separately for each day customizing each parameter of the plan

Excel-like table with a sales plan for the year. Scrolls from side-to-side, smooth as silk

The user can set up sales plans both for the entire store and for each employee separately

The user can specify a sales target for the month and then play with exact days. Sales targets for the rest of the days will be automatically recalculated so that the total amount remains the same


The manager can monitor the performance of employees.

Employee Rating

Rating of the most effective sellers, based on various parameters.

Employee's profile

Each employee has a card with contact information as well as data about their work efficiency

Permissions for Employee

Employees can be assigned roles with permissions that influence their access levels, and can be invited to the app

Employee Rating

Rating of the most effective sellers, based on various parameters.

Employee's profile

Each employee has a card with contact information as well as data about their work efficiency

Permissions for Employee

Employees can be assigned roles with permissions that influence their access levels, and can be invited to the app

Version for Employees

Employees of the company run the same application, but when they log in, the interface changes.

Custom Statistics

Employees see the same statistics as their manager to control their KPIs. And besides that, they see their closest competitors in their KPI leaderboards

Detailed statistics

Among other things, the employee can view the number of shifts worked and data on goods sold - both in terms of cost and their most popular positions

Overall Rating

Shows all workers in the store and the employee's current position.


All cash transactions are displayed in a special section. Whether it is cash collection or internal spending on office supplies, this information is recorded, which makes working with business finances as transparent as possible.

And the resulting report can be exported as an XLS file.

Traffic Counters

User conversion can be calculated using connected traffic counters.

Special devices are placed at the entrance to the store to count the number of customers who entered. The data obtained is further analyzed in the context of the purchases made.

Web Version

All the functionality of the application is also available in the web version of the service.

Technologies stack