Grocery Delivery from Nearby Stores
To develop a service that allows Users to browse and buy products, and have their groceries delivered as quickly as possible.
To develop a separate Courier app for individuals who want to sign up, fulfil orders and earn money.

User App
User Application is implemented as full-fledged online store. All stores locate on a map. Each store has search, categories, products and cart. Clear interface, all actions can be made in several clicks.
Administrator of each store can manage the catalogue manually or automatically, using 1C, Evotor and other services.
User can track the delivery by watching the courier’s current location on the map. Chat allows to contact the Courier and specify the details of order.
Everything is near
User sees the nearest points of sale, can pick them on a map or use search. Stores can be filtered by categories, working hours and remoteness.
Placing of Order
Convenient interface. We took into account the best User Experience. User can browse products in different stores in one order.
Payment tool
User pays for purchases in cash or by card. This functionality is implemented in a safe and convenient way. It is enough to add card only once during the first payment.

After confirmation of the order we reserve the sum for products and delivery on the service balance.
The payment for delivery automatically enlists on courier’s account upon accomplishment of the order. And the rest covers service commission and the cost of purchases.
In case of payment in cash the service commision will be charged off from courier’s card automatically.

Courier application
Any User can become a courier and start earning money on delivery
List of orders
Courier chooses the orders he is ready to сarry out by himself. The list of orders updates in real time.
Courier can always check the detailed statistics of completed orders and earned money.
Courier registration
To become a courier user submits an application, attaches photo of documents and waits for management’s approval.
To forget nothing
Order looks like to-do list. Courier notes each picked product and only after collecting of the whole order can proceed to the next stage.
Admin panel
We developed an easy-to-use admin panel. Partners of the service can manage the store: add the items, manage the orders, download the banners, etc. management can monitor couriers requests, work with finances and partners

And many other
We implemented a chat for text and photo exchanging. It is safe. Courier doesn’ t have access to the buyer’s data and vice versa.
Upon accomplishment of the order, Courier and Buyer can leave a review to each other. To avoid conflicts, the review doesn’t appear immediately and its author is hidden. Management receives notification about each negative review immediately.
The User can sign up using his phone number. The system will send one-time password via SMS for entry.